Divine Healing Sermons Part 4

Twenty -three

But alas! The gleaming, malevolent, calculating

eyes of Satan were watching from the distance.

Seething hatred for God, and jealousy of man fer-

menting in his soul; cunning planning in his heart.

Once he had been an angel of authority in Heaven,

but because of jealousy, disobedience and treachery

he had fallen as a flaming torch from Heaven draw-

ing a third of the angels with him. (Luke 10: 18;

Isaiah 14:12-14.)

The burning passion in his diabolic nature now

longed for revenge for a way to strike back. And

here here in this blissful garden of Eden with its

stately trees, its hanging flowers, its luscious fruit-

age and its dancing, sparkling brooks and rivers

where God had placed the children of His own dear

handiwork, he had found the place for revenge !

Now whom did the Father so love as these chil-

dren? Had He not toiled through the days to create

the earth for his habitation? And what was there in

heaven or on earth that so grieved and pierced the

pure heart of the Father as disobedience and sin?

Hath it not been written that : God cannot look up-

on sin with the least degree of allowance? Hath He

not said : The soul that sinneth, it shall surely die ?

Full well did Satan know that God in His justice

would show no partiality. And though His heart

was torn and bleeding the curse of His disapproval

must fall upon the inmates of the Garden and the

whole earth must be jolted and shaken with the im-

pact of the fall.

With fiendish cunning Satan took upon himself the

form of a flashing, scintillating serpent, (said at that

time to be the most beautiful and subtle beast of the

field) and in shimmering, graceful strides, and his

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most captivating manner he drew near unto the wo-

man and began to sow the fateful seeds of unbelief

within her heart :

"Yea, God hath said, that in the day ye eat of the

tree in the middle of the garden ye shall surely die

but God does not mean that which He said Ye

shall not surely die."

The first lie the devil told the human family, the

first seed of doubt he sowed in their hearts was that

of doubting the veracity and absolute, unchangeable

truth of God's Word. He has been engaged with

the same task ever since.

Behind the devil as he enters the garden, stand

two fearsome demons of night. Our hearts are re-

pulsed and shuddering as we gaze on each cruel face.

Oh Mother Eve ! Could you not see them ? Why

were your eyes so blinded? On each shield, with

which they cover themselves is the form of a vene-

mous serpent with a parting, darting, poisonous

tongue. In his hand each demon holds a fork

with sharp, barbed prongs with which to pierce body

and soul with fearful wounds, which no earthly pow-

er can heal. Oh Eve ! can 't you see them, hand in

hand, an invincible, inseparable pair twin angels of

darkness, agents of despair, relentless and cruel?

Their names are written on their shields "Sin" and


But the eyes of Eve were riveted in fascination on

the shimmering serpent's form ! Her ears hearkened

to that smooth deceiver's voice. Thus Eve was de-

ceived, and in obeying the word of Satan she dis-

obeyed her Lord, ate of the forbidden fruit, and gave

Adam to eat also.

Soon came the footsteps of God, walking in the


garden in the cool of the evening. "Adam, where

art thou?" His voice rang out in tones of thunder

that struck fear and quaking into those guilty souls

who sought to hide them from His gaze. Quick as a

flash His keen, all-seeing eye read the story and His

heart was grieved and sad. They had sold them-

selves to the devil, and the twin demons of darkness

laughed as they reached out through the gathering

gloom, the more firmly to grip the erring ones on the

prongs of suffering and sin.

Hand in hand came sin and sickness into the gar-

den of life. Hand in hand they have walked through

the years since that day. But instead of leaving His

children in the hands of the devil to suffer the double

curse they had brought upon themselves through dis-

obedience, the great loving Father-heart of God be-

gan even then to lay plans for their redemption a

double cure for a double curse.

But there and then, even though man must needs

be driven from the garden, God gave His first pro-

phetic promise that through the seed of woman

should come He that should bruise the head that

bruised His heel. All down through the coming

years that led by a winding trail, through many lands

and many tears, on through the days of Abel, Seth,

and Noah, Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah and

David even down to the cross of Christ this prom-

ise was reiterated through the prophets and sages.

Thus it was that as far back as the days of Moses

it was an understood fact that salvation and healing

were provided in the atonement through the Lamb

slain from the foundation of the world. When Moses

brought the children of Israel from Egypt and turned

their faces toward the promised land God spake to

them, saying: "If thou wilt diligently hearken to

Twenty -six

the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which

is right in His sight, and wilt give ear to His com-

mandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none

of these diseases upon thee, which I have put upon

the Egyptians for I am the Lord that healeth thee. ' '

Clearly the Father signified that with disobedience

and sin would come sickness and disease. Later

when disobedience and sin had laid them low and

fiery serpents bit them till they died God commanded

that a brazen serpent (brass signifying judgment)

should be lifted up in the wilderness even as Christ

was later to pass through the judgment for us and be

lifted up on the cross of Calvary. Those who looked

upon the serpent that was lifted up in the wilderness

had life for a look. They found therein the double

cure forgiveness for the soul and healing for the


When Miriam through the sin of criticism and

backbiting fell ill of leprosy white as snow, Moses

besought God for the double cure. After pleading

the mercy and pardon of the Lord he cries, "Heal

her now, God 1 , I beseech Thee." Numbers 12:13.

Of the double cure for the double curse the Psalm-

ist spake clearly, saying, "Bless the Lord my soul,

and forget not all His benefits, Who forgiveth all

thine iniquities, and who healeth all thy diseases."

Ps. 103:2, 3. Notice the first two benefits David

mentions are those of forgiveness and salvation,

which is to overthrow the powers of sin, and divine

healing for the body to overthrow sickness and dis-


Isaiah catching sight of the Great Redeemer

through the lifted veil, beheld Christ as the Man of

Sorrows and acquainted with grief. He sees in His

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glorious coming the double cure for the double curse,

and declares of His work of atonement: "He was

wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our ini-

quities (notice the word ' bruised,' God had said of

Him that He would bruise the head that bruised His

heel) . . . and by His stripes we are healed."

Isaiah 53.

"But does not this promise refer to spiritual heal-

ing only?" asks one timid soul to whom the news

seems almost too good to be true. No, Matthew

8 :16, 17, describes Christ healing the sick, casting out

demons, causing the blind to see and the lame to

walk, and then tells us that this physical healing is

the literal interpretation of Isaiah 53. Head the 17th

verse and note Matthew's interpretation of that

promise. "This was done that it might be fulfilled

which was spoken by Esaias the prophet saying:

Himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses. ' '

The coming ^of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the

seed of woman, : jwas the coming of the great deliverer

to redeem a stricken world from the curse. Speak-

ing of His own mission Jesus plainly said. "The

Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He hath

anointed me to preach the Gospel to the poor; He

hath sent me to heal the broken-hearted ; to preach

deliverance to the captives, and 1 recovering of sight

to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,

to preach the acceptable year of the Lord." Luke

4:18, 19.

blessed Light that shineth in the darkness, even

though the darkness comprehendeth it not ! bless-

ed Burden-Bearer carrying our sins, bearing our

sicknesses, enduring our pain, would that the world

might see Thee !

Twenty -eight

Oh, look, heart-sore world, canst thou not see the

two great blessings that follow the Master wherever

He goes, like two bright angels of light, who stand

hand in hand, with shining swords bearing the sign

of the cross and holding aloft the Spirit's sword to

cut thy bonds in twain? Salvation declares, "Thy

sins be all forgiven thee." Healing cries: "Be

thou made whole, take up thy bed and walk ! ' ' and

o 'er mountain and dale, in valley or plain, within the

palace and in the hut wherever this dear Jesus of

Galilee went He brought with Him this double cure,

Salvation and Healing.

"Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts," said He,

"for whether is easier to say: Thy sins be forgiven

thee, or Take up your bed and walk?" Whether is

easier who is there among us dare to say ? For this

heaven-born, heaven-sent pair stand hand in hand,

shield to shield a double cure for a double curse.

In God's plan they should never be divided.

When the short years of our Lord's ministry,

wherein He went about destroying the works of the

devil, namely forgiving sin and healing the sick,

were ended, the hour approached for His torturous

death on the cross. Emerging from Gethsemane

Garden when the long night was o'er, He was con-

demned before Pontius Pilate to die on the rugged


But before they led Him up Calvary's mountain,

something of great importance must take place,

something that makes our cheeks blanch and the

tear drops to start at the very thought, they must

bare our Savior's back to the smiters, tie Him to

the whipping-post, and flog Him with the cruel lash.

Did you ever wonder why?

Twenty -nine

Blow upon blow, fell on the tender, quivering flesh

of the gentle Nazarene. The biting whip rose and

fell again and again in the hands of the Roman sol-

dier, till the great purple welts stood on the precious

back that was so soon to bear the cross fell till the

drops of blood dripped upon the ground. Some forty

blows were permissible in those days and men often

fainted or even died at the whipping-post.

"Tell me, dear Spirit, Teacher and Guide, tell

me WHY did they whip Him so ? Was He whipped

that my many sins might be washed away?"

"No, child, the blood on the cross was sufficient for


"Then why did they pluck the beard from His face,

and beat Him with cruel staves, was that for the

cleansing of sin?"

"No, child, the Blood was sufficient for that."

"Then why, Spirit of God, tell me why did they

torture my Saviour so ? Was God merely permitting

the vindictive, fiendish wrath of an angry mob to be

wreaked upon the head of His blessed Son? Else

if His stripes did not cleanse me from sin, then WHY

did they whip Him so?"

"Why, child! Do you not know the meaning of

that lash, the cruel blows of the smiters' scourge?

'Twas thus He bare your suffering, and by His

stripes ye are healed. Not a meaningless blow, not

a meaningless pain did 'that precious Body bear. At

the whipping-post He purchased your healing, bare

your suffering and pain. On the cross He purchased

your pardon, forgiveness and cleansing from sin.

Healed by His stripes, cleansed by His blood

blessed double cure for a double curse for all who

will look and live."


But have not these twain been separated, till only

Salvation remains? Then His stripes were borne in


Hearken to the words of the Master : " The works

that I do shall ye do, and greater works than these

shall ye do because I go to My Father. All power

is given unto me, in heaven and in earth. Go ye

therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the

Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy

Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things, what-

soever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you

always, even unto the end of the world. Amen."

Matt. 28:18-20.

"As ye go preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven

is at hand, cleanse the leper, heal the sick, cast out

demons, freely as ye have received freely give/'

"Into whatsoever city or town ye enter heal the sick

that are therein and say unto them, The Kingdom of

God is come nigh unto you." And He sent them to

preach the Gospel and heal the sick. And said,

' ' These signs shall follow them that believe : in My

name shall they cast out devils ; they shall speak with

new tongues; they shall lay hands on the sick and

they shall recover." Mark 16:17, 18.

Jesus the same yesterday, today and forever still

brings the double cure for soul and body. There is

still life for a look at the Crucified One, and they

who touch the hem of His garment may still be

made whole.

In the fifth chapter of James, the elders of the

church are given instructions to anoint the sick (who

call for them) with oil, and pray the prayer of faith,

having the promise of the double cure . . . The

prayer of faith shall save the sick and the Lord shall

raise him up, and if he hath committed sins they shall

be forgiven him. Confess your faults one to another

and pray one for another that ye may be healed.

What a sweet relationship there here exists between

Salvation and Healing.

This does not mean that we will never die. There

comes a day when the sands of the years are run and

the child of God is caught up and goes sweeping

home to glory. Thank God for that hope ! 'Tis not

that they who claim the promise of healing fear

death. To be absent from the body is to be present

with the Lord. But it does mean that instead of

suffering, and groaning all the days of our lives with

a torturous disease, it is possible to look away to

Jesus and take that for which He paid with cruel

stripes, and the shedding of His precious blood.

Too long have we wandered in weakness and pov-

erty, when we might have had His strength and rich-

es 1 Too long have we lain starving, when we might

have been feasting in Father's banquet hall.

A man in straitened financial circumstances once

bought a ticket for an ocean voyage.

"Now I must be very saving of my few remaining

dollars, "he told himself. " I'll just buy some crack-

ers and drink water with them for the duration of

my voyage, thus leaving a small sum for my arrival. ' '

Days wore by one by one, and the poor man be-

came more and more famished for a good square

meal and more disgusted with crackers and water.

On the day that the steamer was scheduled to arrive

in port he could bear it no longer, if it took the last

cent, he decided that he must have one more good



But when he made his way to the dining salon, its

beauty and the fine food which was being served,

course after course at the tables, the white linen and

shining silver caused him to doubt. Such a fine din-

ing room, perhaps he would not have money enough

after all! Catching the eye of the steward he in-

quired :

"Sir, w^ould you please be kind enough to tell me

the cost of a meal in that dining room?" The waiter

looked at the man with amazement and said :

"Why I don't understand what you mean."

"I want to know how much one good, square meal

at that table would cost me, please."

"Why you have a ticket for this steamship voyage,

haven't you?"

"Ticket? Why y-yes," stammered the man.

"Then your meals don't cost you a penny. They

are all included in your ticket. Where have you

been at meal times? Why did you not come to the

table? Your place has been set and held vacant foi

you all the time."

"Why I've been sitting in my state-room eating

crackers and drinking cold water, every day, because

I thought I could not afford the dining room."

And, Oh dear ones, many of us have gone almost

to the end of life 's voyage before realizing the good

things included in our ticket. Salvation, Healing,

the power of the Holy Spirit and rich life in Christ

are yours for the asking. Draw near today and cry :

Thou Son of David, have mercy upon me. I now ap-

propriate Thy promises, and claim as mine the rich

provision Thou hast made for me, even the double

cure with its blessings for body and soul.

Thirty -three

The Scriptural Relationship of Divine

Healing and Salvation

In God's great plan of Redemption, Salvation for

the soul, and Divine Healing for the body, were unit-

ed in holy matrimony, and destined to walk together,

hand in hand, through the ages. Unbelief has sought

to divorce this heaven-born pair; but prayer and

faith still prove they are united.

Healing for the body was included in the atone-

ment made by Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Beaten

with cruel stripes, He purchased healing for the

body. Wounded for our transgressions, He bought

Eedemption for every soul that would believe on

Him with the whole heart.

In the Beginning

In the beginning, man through disobedience, trans-

gressed the law of God. Believing the words of

Satan, rather than the words of God, the inmates of

the garden did exactly what God told them not to

do ; and through their disobedience opened the door

to that inseparable pair, sin and suffering. Man had

sold himself for naught, and engaged himself to be

the bond-servant of the devil. Banished from the

garden, sweating through the toil of the day, groan-

Thirty -four

ing in labor and pain, how hopeless was their state !

But hark ! The voice of God spoke to them and

with His promise came a shaft of light from the Son

of Righteousness, falling athwart the darkness of the

night, cleaving it asunder and promising the opening

of a "New and Living Way"; spelling deliverance

from sin and its awful consequences, and the regain-

ing of that which they had lost. For, His unfailing

Word had promised that the seed of the woman was

to come and bruise the head that bruised His heel.

Hallelujah !

